Who is the better pagan?

Hello Darlings,

 Today, I’d like to chat about something that’s been bothering me for quite some time.

 We’ve all been to events, workshops or whatever and seen someone or someones playing ‘Who’s the Better Pagan’. It makes me so irritable to listen to someone blather about themselves and how they’re 5th degree poobah blah blah yada yada with a family tradition that traces back ten thousand years.

Of Course You Are.

 I am always amazed that people actually believe this kind of thing works. Honestly, did you really believe that awkward, unpopular kid in high school actually had a super hot girlfriend or boyfriend desperately missing them because they just happened to live three states away?

 Of course not.

 It’s the same principal.

 It seems to me that too many people seem to think this course of action is going to some how grant them friends and influence people. Sadly, some of the time it does. There’s always someone who is willing to fall for this kind of fraudulent crapola.  I’ve talked to way too many people who’ve been damaged by one of these persons.

 It’s just ….. unsavory. That’s what it is.

 And how unfair is it to the innocently naive who falls into this trap. Unfortunately, so frequently with Pagan groups, it’s buyer beware. A body must do their research and check things out themselves before they start believing they have to cavort naked with the High Priest and that they simply cannot be  a ‘true’ Witch unless they act as the altar for the whole coven at the Great Rite.

 However, a conversation on that kind of Stupidity would take up a whole post in itself and I shall save it for another time. I will say that, in my experience, truly knowledgeable and powerful people tend to be modest and circumspect about what they do. So a person would be wise to cultivate relationships with the less bombastic in the group. You never know what you might discover.

 Now, back to the issue at hand, Darlings. We know you want to be Merlin or Gandolf or one of those ridiculously pretty girls from Charmed, but here’s the truth: You’re not. You’re just plain old you, suck it up and deal with what you’ve got. If, by the grace of the gods, you have some knowledge and skill in the witchy area, trust me. It will shine like a lighthouse on a foggy night. We’ll know about it. You don’t need to blow your own horn. We’ll blow it for you. ( I mean that in the most ladylike fashion, of course.)

 If you’re just joining a group, lying about who and what you are won’t give you the acceptance and love you crave. Only time and honesty can do that. If you’re trying to start a group it won’t last if it’s built on  dishonesty. Truly, if a body is so insecure and uncomfortable with who they are they need to invent or overinflate their accomplishments how can their Craft be effective?

 While I’m on the subject, Darlings. There are a few who’ve actually put in the time, learned their craft and earned a real title. If you’ve done this, huzzah! However, a slip of paper proclaiming you Supreme Queen of All That is Witchy is not an excuse to be a despot. Just because you took that two year mail order course and now can rattle off spell and charm ingredients at will does not mean you should use said skills to bully and belittle. (Shame, Shame, Shame on you!)

 Remember the Gods know all and see all. Eventually, the truth will out, bullys and liars will be ejected and left to slink off to the another state where, unfortunately, they probably will repeat their errors. And somebody else will have to clean up their mess. Don’t be that guy.

 Of course, if your patron happens to specialize in bullshit and deceit, well then, have at it. Quietly and neatly, please, so the rest of us don’t have to step in it. Otherwise, perhaps you should spend your time actually learning the path and how to use those skills and abilities you claim to have.

I suppose I should state, (though I would think this would be obvious) the statements in this post are not directed to those who are honestly 5th degree Poobah Blah Blah Yada Yada with a Family Tradition that traces back ten thousand years or  Supreme Queen of All That is Witchy and comport themselves in a manner of kindness, compassion and service to their fellow person.

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